A Brief History of Teeth Whitening
June 8, 2024
Teeth whitening is currently one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, and it’s easy to see why—the procedure to brighten your smile is quick, painless, and startlingly effective. However, this hasn’t always been the case.
People have wanted whiter teeth for a long time, but how they got it wasn’t always pleasant. If you really want to appreciate how far cosmetic dentistry has come, here’s a brief history of teeth whitening as a treatment.
Ancient Aesthetic Treatment
Records of teeth whitening as a treatment stretches back all the way to the ancient Egyptians, over 4000 years ago. It’s believed that white teeth were a symbol of wealth and prosperity during this period, which is why this cosmetic treatment was developed. They created a whitening solution which used a rudimentary acid and abrasive: wine vinegar with bits of ground pumice stone mixed in.
Ancient Romans would later use a more inelegant method of whitening to achieve a similar effect. They reportedly whitened their teeth with urine, finding that the ammonia would be able to bleach the teeth.
Medieval Filings
As you might know, dentistry was the purview of barbers in the 17th century. This led to an age of oral healthcare where advancements were made, though often without much consideration of the patient’s comfort.
Teeth whitening at the time was, fittingly, a bit “barbaric.” People would file away enamel from the surface of their teeth and use an acid to bleach it. While this certainly made teeth whiter, it also severely compromised their strength.
Into Modernity
In the early 19th century, it was discovered that fluoride could increase the strength of the enamel and, in some cases, make the teeth appear whiter and healthier. Fast forward to the 1980s when dentists realized that they could use a more humane version of the acids that characterized early whitening treatments to brighten people’s smiles.
This came in the form of hydrogen peroxide, which is still the most popular whitening chemical in use today. The concentration of this acid could be modified to ensure the comfort and safety of the patient while producing absolutely incredible changes in the color of the enamel.
Now that you know where whitening began, you might have a little bit more appreciation for what this treatment can do for you, and just how far dentistry has come since the days of ancient humans.
About the Author
Dr. Hiren Shah has been in dentistry for well over a decade, and even just this amount of time he has loved watching how the field of oral healthcare has evolved. Being able to offer increasingly effective and comfortable cosmetic treatments to his patients is enormously rewarding for him. Dr. Shah received his dental degree from New York University, and since then has completed well over 1000 hours of continuing education.
If you have any questions about teeth whitening, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (908) 834-8448.
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